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The simple answer is, it's a blog about everything. It's also not an easy one to write. It's hard to sum up the blog in just a few sentences when you're dealing with topics like law, pastries, and rugby. How does someone go about writing an introduction that encapsulates all that? So for this post it seems like the best course of action is to break down what this blog will be about in more detail. That way there won't be any surprises later on in the post when readers start getting deep into things and wondering how they got there in the first place. Um, so yeah... about this blog... It's not often you hear the word "blog" and think, "oh cool, I want to read about that!" (Except if it's delivered in some kind of snarky English-teacher type way. Even then, teacher probably won't sound too impressed.) But don't worry about it. You can just go ahead and forget that you ever heard that word. The important thing is that you've found the blog, and now you're reading it. So far so good. We're talking about Indonesia here. It's okay. I mean, it's not like you're reading a different language or anything. Everything is in English, just spelled the way it is in Indonesia. That's right--the same country that gave us mee goreng also gave us this blog! Here are some of the topics you can expect to find here: Indonesia - This will be about anything and everything related to Indonesia. If it happens in Indonesia, I hope to write something about it here. Lebuhraya - A year ago when I started this blog, I knew it would be about Indonesia, but that was all I had planned. After spending some time writing about the country, what emerged was that I had written tons of posts about the roads in Indonesia. So much so that it seemed to be a theme in itself. And so to keep with this theme, the title of the blog became Lebuhraya (translates to "highway" or "road"). Food - Yes indeedy! This is one of the things I like best in the world (no word on second place), and you'll find lots of tasty morsels here. If you like food, come walk with me! : ) (best not to tell anyone you've decided to do this; they might want to drop by too.) Law - This is the thing that sets me apart from other legal researchers. I like to think of it as a long-running TV soap opera called Law & Order. (I do actually own all 8 seasons, but that's beside the point.) I'm sure many people have heard of "TV shows" like Law & Order, but this blog will be different because you won't experience the episodes like watching them. cfa1e77820

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